e-Factor!® The Educational Business Ethics Game
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e-Factor!® is a business tool that helps diverse teams and leaders work better together ethically. It also helps protect you and your organization from unethical behavior.
How do we do this? By creating a safe place to simulate work experiences and solve real-life business ethics dilemmas. In this environment it is possible to evaluate opportunities and consequences before taking an action that could cause your organization to lose clients or damage your professional reputation.
Our clients tell us their results include: lower turnover, more committed employees, and increased productivity. All of this translates into increased profits and enhanced business reputation for your organization.
e-Factor!® uses three of the most effective adult learning techniques including: role-play, simulation and game. Using these methods helps to define key concepts more tangibly, retain more of what we learn, and apply it in our every-day workplace.
What is e-Factor!®
e-Factor!® is an educational board game designed to create a safe place for people to practice solving ethical dilemmas – Before they cost your organization good employees, clients or reputation.
Participants form teams of 4 to 6 characters to complete six milestones that use real-life business and ethical dilemmas to …
- Evaluate and enhance business ethics standards
- Understand individual/team strengths and hidden talents
- Make better choices and decisions
- See the consequences of specific actions immediately
- Participate more effectively on teams
- Improve leadership and decision-making skills
e-Factor!® utilizes the three most effective adult learning methods to teach topics that can be boring or sensitive – game, role-play and simulation. Studies have shown that adults learn more quickly and retain more of the key concepts when having fun while they learn.
Gamification is gaining popularity in helping people master skills, improve communications, and enhance productivity as well.
Through our workshops and enterprise-wide programs we customize the scenarios and business situations to meet and resolve the challenges you’re facing right now. We offer opportunities to enhance skills relating to customer service, accountability, trust-building, integrity, teamwork and making better decisions.

e-Factor!® Ethics Scenario Corner
You are asked to sign a code of conduct which requires you to advise the company if you are aware of any illegal or unethical behavior. You’ve just witnessed Big Boss changing market research statistics in your report in order to align the project results with company standards.
Is this action something that warrants advising the company of illegal or unethical behavior? Why or why not?
This is a sample of an e-Factor! ethics scenario you might draw in a workshop or program. It highlights one of six key areas of focus we believe are important within the context of business ethics:
- Teamwork
- Trust
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Accountability
- Leadership
OD/HR professionals tell us that e-Factor!® is like a complete set-up in a box. It contains three key features that OD professionals look for in an effective teaching tool: how to solve problems, how to resolve dilemmas, and how to manage personality issues. e-Factor!® programs and services are diverse, flexible, and built to meet your needs in solving real-life business and ethical dilemmas.
We create dynamic opportunities to have sensitive discussions and show your teams how to solve problems. And we give you permission to be creative and have fun with the process!
Our programs pay for themselves in terms of engaging employees and building awareness of how their own special skills and talents create value for themselves, their teams and the organization.
We offer flexible program scheduling, pricing plans and payment plans.
Why consider games in business education and professional development?
Games are considered the most effective adult learning method, providing the following benefits:
- 90% retention of key concepts vs 10-15% from more traditional learning methods
- Increased employee participation
- Enhanced problem solving skills
- Significantly reduced learning time
- Immediate application of lessons learned
How Did e-Factor!!® Get Started?
It originated from the creativity of inventor, Marcy J Maslov, who decided to leave a corporate accounting job without having any back-up plan. She woke up in the wee hours of the morning of April 11, 2007 wondering how she would pay the bills and really love what she did for a living.
As she asked for guidance, the word “ethics” appeared in her head.
It suddenly made sense, since her decision to leave corporate accounting related to ethical (or unethical) behavior of others. She got up, turned on the computer, and out came six pages that became the executive summary and initial design for e-Factor!® She showed the summary to a marketing friend, who connected her to business board game designers, and the rest is fortunate history….
e-Factor!® is based on Marcy’s more than 25 years of experience at some of the most sophisticated companies in the world. As a global accountant, Marcy found herself in situations and dilemmas that required great skill in communication, problem-solving, and leadership. Since November 2007 e-Factor!® workshops, speaking engagements and simulations have provided a unique and different forum for sharing Marcy’s professional experience to help others acquire these same skills, but in a much more fun, creative and safe manner.
What People Are Saying About e-Factor!®
The e-Factor!® scenarios were phenomenal. Ms. Maslov takes what can be a not so interesting subject and makes it fun and engaging!
– Michael Swiszcz, President, Phoenix CEO-CFO Group
From my experience through the role-playing, it helped me see how I can come across sometimes. The role-playing was really interesting. As the game moved on, you could tell how the group had taken consideration of your character traits and started to use them in order to achieve the goal. I only knew one other person at the table so it was interesting to play and see how it all worked out. I think it could be a good tool to build teams here too. I think it would help not only within departments, but across departments as well. We really did learn a lot so the investment would be well worth it!
– Amelia Mehr-Witt, Discount Tire Company
The e-Factor!® simulation is as thought-provoking as it is engaging! I couldn’t believe the energy the roles and the interaction brought to our table of participants. e-Factor!® is really onto something with both the content and the process here. This is not preachy Ethics training; this is an exploration of individual beliefs and how these influence perceptions of others, communication skills and work effectiveness. There is a lot going on in this experience!
– Ginny McMinn, McMinn HR
e-Factor!® is a game that is perfect for our time. We seem to have lost our way when it comes to ethics in our society. Using the concepts that are included in the gameplay brings a reality to what is really happening in the workplace. The game instructs with a positive ethical standard. What a great way to learn!
– Mary Lou Donnelly, Five Rings Financial
Your workshop was fascinating, inspiring, and hugely relevant to the future of Training and Development as a discipline. You can quote that too!
– Nicole Hatton, Avnet
The e-Factor!® game was a great opportunity to see alternative perspectives and alternative decision styles. It was difficult to stay ‘in character’ but that difficulty highlighted the character’s strengths and weaknesses.
– Jim Graham, Maximum Business Advantage
Fast paced, makes you think. Surprisingly life-like!
– Pete Peters, Peters & Brown Marketing
This was fun. My ‘character’ was my actual personality so I got to see how other people would truly react to me. I’d like to play again and be some other characters.
– Mary Beth Montague, Security Screen
We have provided ethics training for
- Intel
- IEEE Annual Conference
- Amkor
- Society for Corporate Compliance & Ethics
- Insight
- IMA Annual Conference
- eCPAn
- Seely Mullins CPAs
- Desert de Oro Foods
- Able Engineering
- and other local businesses